Wednesday, May 6, 2009

We went for a drive at Easter to some of the Bushfire Areas of Buxton, Black Spur and Narbethong, it was uplifting to see the green new growth bursting out of the devastation.Please go and spend your money in these areas as the businesses are really struggling. A day trip is all it takes.

I had some great support with the Comfort Doll Kits in Alexandra.A place called The Co Op.It is a collective that represents rural crafters.Worth a look as there is some great things to purchase, and also to encourage people and help with their self esteem.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dear Fiona, Meg here from Alexandra Art Space, We are moving from our lovely A frame building as we are just not selling enough art to pay the rent.Our tourism has dropped dramatically since the fires. We will become a roaving Art Space and exhibit, in other peoples shops and at big events, so we are clearing art out. I have your comfort dolls, what would you like me to do with them. I gather you are not local so a little hard to collect. Give me a call on 57722588 or email thanks Meg Holmes Alexandra Art Space